Collaborative Research Centers (CRC)
The German Research Foundation supports scientific research institutions at universities by providing funding for a period of up to twelve years to researchers who work together in interdisciplinary research programs that demonstrate scientific excellence.
Collaborative Research Centers at the University
- CRC 1644: Phenotypic plasticity in plants - Mechanisms, constraints and evolution
Lead university: University of Potsdam
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Lenhard (Institute of Biochemistry and Biology)
- CRC 1636: Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Reactions at Nanoscale Metals
Lead university: University of Potsdam
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer (Institute of Physics and Astronomy)
- CRC 1294: Data Assimilation
Lead university: University of Potsdam
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Melina Freitag (Institute of Mathematics)
- CRC 1287: The limits of variability in language
Lead university: University of Potsdam
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Doreen Georgi (Department Linguistics)
Collaborative Research Centers (CRC) with UP Participation
- CRC 1127: Chemical mediators in complex biosystems
Lead university: Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Participating researchers at the University of Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Elke Dittmann-Thünemann (Institute of Biochemistry and Biology) TP B08
- CRC 1114: Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
Lead university: Free University, Berlin
Participating researchers at the University of Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Reich (Institute of Mathematics) TP A02
- CRC/Transregio 265: Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories to Mechanisms to Interventions
Lead university: Charité - University Medicine Berlin
Participating researchers at the University of Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Michael Rapp (Department of Sports and Health Sciences)
- CRC/Transregio 228: Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation
Lead university: University of Köln
Participating researchers at the University of Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter (Institute of Biochemistry and Biology) TP A01
- SFB/Transregio 227: Ultrafast Spin Dynamics
Lead university: Free University, Berlin
Participating researchers at the University of Potsdam: Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer (Institute of Physics and Astronomy) TP A10