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Prof. Dr. Michał Kowalski

Dr. habil. Michał Kowalski arbeitet als Assoc. Professor an der Juristischen Fakultät der Jagellonen Universität in Krakau, Polen. Er ist auch ein erkennendes Mitglied des polnischen Rates für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten. Mehr zu seiner Arbeit finden Sie auf seiner Webseite.

Vom 1. Juli bis 30. September 2017 forschte er als Gastwissenschaftler am MenschenRechtZentrum der Universität Potsdam, unterstützt durch ein Forschungsstipendium der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.

Forschungsprojekt: “Credibility Assessment in Asylum Cases before the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union”

Sound assessment of the credibility of an asylum-seeker is one of the most difficult and challenging factors of the asylum case determination process. The conducted research is focused on one particular aspect of the credibility assessment. Its aim is to study to what extent the credibility assessment made by the national asylum authorities is taken into account by the European Court of Human Rights in its cases and how credibility assessment is addressed in the Court of Justice of the European Union asylum cases. It could be claimed that one can detect some discrepancies in this respect in the case-laws of both the European Courts concerned. The research is aimed at further and detailed study of the jurisprudences of the ECtHR and the CJEU in this respect. This topic is of significant importance as, undoubtedly, the jurisprudences of the ECtHR and the CJEU have been effectively contributing to the development of the refugee protection standards in Europe.