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Anna von Rath


Campus am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14669 Potsdam
building 2, room 1.15

Anna von Rath

I studied at the University of Potsdam, the English and Foreign Languages University in Hyderabad (India) and Westminster University, London (UK). After finishing my M.A. in Anglophone Modernities in Literature and Culture at the University of Potsdam, I joined the Chair of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at the Department of English and American Studies as a lecturer. In October 2016, I became a fellow of the RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms.


Editorial Work

Just Politics? Ökokritische Perspektiven im Postkolonialen Raum. Edited by: Lina Fricke, Elisabeth Nechutnys, Christoph Senft and Anna von Rath. Münster: Unrast. 2014.

 Book Chapters

“Strategic Label: Afropolitan Literature in Germany”. In: James Hodapp (ed.). Afropolitan Literature as World Literature. New York: Bloomsbury. (forthcoming, 23 January 2020)

“Ethical Aspirations in Contemporary Travel Writing”. In: Felicitas Schweiker, Anna Rasokat and Jessica Homberg-Schramm (eds.). #N3rdM: Negotiating Narratives in/for the Third Millenium. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016. 97-115.

(with Elisabeth Nechutnys) “Unnatürliche Zuschreibungen und die Falle der Repräsentation”. In: Lina Fricke, Elisabeth Nechutnys, Christoph Senft and Anna von Rath (eds.). Just Politics? Ökokritische Perspektiven im Postkolonialen Raum. Münster: Unrast. 2014. 139-152.

(with Lina Fricke, Elisabeth Nechutnys and Christoph Senft) „Vorwort“. In: Lina Fricke, Elisabeth Nechutnys, Christoph Senft and Anna von Rath (eds.). Just Politics? Ökokritische Perspektiven im Postkolonialen Raum. Münster: Unrast. 2014. 7-16. 


„Felwine Sarr. Afrotopia. Berlin: Matthes und Seitz. 2019.“ In:, 2019. Link to text.

 „Margarete Stokowski. Die letzten Tage des Patriarchats. Hamburg: Rohwolt. 2018.“, 2019. Link to text.

“Stephanie Affeldt. Consuming Whiteness: Australian Racism and the White Sugar Campaign. Berlin: Lit Verlag. 2015.“ In: ZfA 29. 2015.


Susan K. Martin. „Ludwig Leichhardt in der australischen Literatur“. Trans. Elisabeth Nechutnys und Anna von Rath. In: Heike Hartmann (ed.). Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt. Spuren eines Verschollenen. Berlin: be.bra Wissenschaft Verlag, 2013. 119-129. 


“Potsdam 2015: Das Sinterklaas Fest im Holländischen Viertel – Zwarte Piet is Racism“. In: Kolonialrassismus und Widerstand. Globales (Geschichts-)Lernen in Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig und Potsdam. 2018. 

“Mister Achmed of Glienicke”. In: Postcolonial Potsdam (blog), 2018.


In the past, I have been involved in the organization of numerous events, such as a summer school on "Postcolonial Ecocriticism between Imagination and Occupation" (2013), an international conference on "Postcolonial Justice" (2014) and a literature festival entitled "Carnival of Literatures - Planet Crime" (2016).

In addition to my academic work, which focuses, broadly speaking, on the area of postcolonial justice, I am trying to connect theory with practice. I am a certified social justice and diversity trainer, and cofounder of Postcolonial Potsdam. Postcolonial Potsdam is an organization that tries to contextualize the past and make invisible parts of history visible. We write a blog, offer postcolonial tours through Potsdam and organize events and workshops. All of this serves to open up discussion of how to deal responsibly with the legacies of traumatic histories of colonial injustices.