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Team Member Viktor Herrmann
Viktor Herrmann

Viktor Herrmann received the B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from the Berliner Hochschule für Technik, Germany in 2020 and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany in 2023.  

From 2018 to 2023, he was a Student Assistant with the Embedded Systems Group of the Video Communications and Applications department at Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications—Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI).

Since 2023 he is a Research Assistant with the Video Communications and Applications, Embedded Systems Group department at Fraunhofer HHI. His current research interest is the development of digital signal processing algorithms for video data compression and their standardization as well as the design of application specific hardware architectures with a focus on deep learning inference acceleration.

Team Member Viktor Herrmann
Viktor Herrmann