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Collaborating partners

University of Potsdam

The University of Potsdam (Germany) hosts leading institutions in the field of language acquisition, linguistics, and (developmental) cognitive neuroscience in its research center Cognitive Sciences. The Baby Lab and NOLA lab focus on language acquisition and language processing in infants, children, and adults using multi-methodological approaches. Potsdam is a historical German city close to Berlin, one of the most culturally vibrant cities in the world. 


University Paris Descartes

The University Paris Descartes (France), hosting the Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception (LPP), a CNRS and University Paris Descartes joint lab, is located at the heart of Paris. The Speech Perception research group of the LPP focuses on early language acquisition in typical and atypical populations using a cross-linguistic approach and state-of-the-art research methods (looking time measures, eye-tracking, EEG, NIRS, etc.).


University of Jyväskylä

The University of Jyväskylä (JYU, Finland) hosts the Research Forum of Learning Difficulties, a network for research on learning and learning difficulties, and the Jyväskylä Centre for Interdisciplinary Brain Research (CIBR) with state-of-the-art eye-tracking, EEG, and MEG laboratories. Their research group is conducting longitudinal research of reading difficulties and is an expert in child EEG methods. Jyväskylä is a lively student town surrounded by beautiful lakes and nature.


University Pompeu Fabra

The University Pompeu Fabra is located in Barcelona (Spain) and hosts the Centre of Brain and Cognition (CBC). Researchers at the CBC investigate how specific biological mechanisms routinely support the emergence of cognitive functions, leading to insights into why experience is so important for normal brain development. The CBC hosts the SAP and RICO research groups and the UPF Babylab.


NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH

NIRx is widely recognized as an industry leader and key innovator in the field of functional NIRS imaging and maintains close research collaborations with a number of international academic institutions. The German branch is located in the heart of Berlin, one of the most culturally vibrant cities in the world and home to a lively start-up scene.