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BMC-EU - Digi Pro

Basic Motor Competencies in Europe – Digital promotion (BMC EU -Digi Pro) Funding

European Union, Erasmus+, Project Reference:

2020-1-LU01-KA226-SCH-078055 (01.06.2021-31.05.2023), EU Grant: 241814 €

The aim of the project is to promote the basic motor competencies (BMC) of primary school children by the means of a digital tool based on an existing theoretical framework. BMC constitute the essential requirements for taking part in the culture of human movement and developing a physically active lifestyle. To achieve the testing and supporting the development of BMC, the MOBAK (Motorische Basiskompetenzen, German for BMC) tests and support framework has proven to be a valid instrument (Herrmann, et al., 2015; Scheuer & Heck, 2020).

In the frame of a previous Erasmus+ project a toolkit for the promotion of BMC has been developed. This follow-up project shall ensure its use in a digital way, generally during face-to-face physical education (PE) lessons at school, but also in times when social distancing and therefore online teaching are required.

For more information see: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-LU01-KA226-SCH-078055