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Academic disciplines

The deadline for applications has ended on 1st March, 2022. We cannot accept any further applications.

Before you start working on your application, please make sure that your project as well as your previous academic qualifications fall within the scope of what the RTG can offer. There is a thematic and a formal aspect to this question.

1. Thematic aspect:

Does your proposed PHD project fall into one, or more, of the fields represented by the RTG? Does it match any of the supervisors' profiles, i.e. would any of the RTG's supervisors be able to take on the supervision of your project?

The fields represented in the RTG are:

Anglophone Literary Studies
Postcolonial Studies
American Studies
Cultural Studies
Gender and Queer Studies
Cultural Anthropology
Jewish Studies
Religious Studies


For more information on the supervisors' research interests, please visit their profile pages.

If you are in doubt, please feel free to contact potential supervisors directly. (This applies to our local supervisors, who are based at the University of Potsdam, Humboldt-University, or the Freie Universität Berlin. Please refrain from approaching our international supervisors at this point.)

This means that not all projects that could in principle be said to be within the thematic scope of Minor Cosmopolitanisms, can in practice be supervised by one of the RTG's professors.

If for example you propose to work with Polish sources, and none of the supervisors speaks any Polish, or has any expertise in Polish literature, your application could unfortunately not be taken into account.

The fields represented in the RTG are:

Anglophone Literary Studies
Postcolonial Studies
American Studies
Cultural Studies
Gender and Queer Studies
Cultural Anthropology
Jewish Studies
Religious Studies

2. Formal aspect:

Do your proposed PhD project, and your academic qualifications, fit one of the formal disciplines in which successful applicants will be enrolled?

In addition, candidates can be enrolled at our partner universities in Berlin in the following disciplines:

  • European Ethnology (Humboldt-Universität), supervision: Prof. Regina Römhild
  • Sociology (Freie Universität Berlin), supervision: Prof. Sérgio Costa

At the University of Potsdam, these disciplines are:

  • American Studies
  • English Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • History
  • Jewish Studies
  • Religious Studies

In addition, candidates can be enrolled at our partner universities in Berlin in the following disciplines:

  • European Ethnology (Humboldt-Universität), supervision: Prof. Regina Römhild
  • Sociology (Freie Universität Berlin), supervision: Prof. Sérgio Costa