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Radioactivity: Detection and characteristics of ionising radiation

The project on radioactivity is designed for pupils from class 9 to 12. In our school lab we offer several experiments for exploring characteristics of ioninsing radiation. Measuring reliable data will take approximately 90 minutes. Therefore, it may be sensible to assess the data in class. Of course, it is possible to adapt the project schedule according to your wishes. 

A research team consisting of 2 to 3 pupils decides on a topic they would like to explore. Due to the time-consuming measurements no alternations of stations are recommended. When a team has finished all the necessary measurements, and has completed the worksheets on time, they may analyse their data at the computers of our school lab. Otherwise this should be done in class. There are also two optional experiments that are quick and simple, and give the opportunity to explore further phenomena of ionising radiation.

To obtain a detailed summary, you may want to check the information in the following .pdf-document. The project can be adapted to your own ideas. Please contact us for a collaborative scheduling.