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Current Dissertations by WIPCAD Doctoral Fellows

WIPCAD doctoral fellows and associates introduce in brief their research project. The dissertation projects can be located by three focal points:knowledge, coordination, strategy.


Organizational change and the dynamics of welfare state reform

Design-Led Public Service Innovation

The influence of policy information on policy change in the German school education sector

Governing through 'governing images

Translating institutional change: EU foreign policy, human rights and LGBTI

Big data in government – A social science perspective

The statistical construction of otherness

Quality of management in development aid

Evaluative culture in international aid agencies


The Making of Illegality and Spaces of Insecurity.

Caught in the crossfire – Decision-making in the UN peackeeping field

Organization of wicked problems – the case of demographic change

The role of tax administrations in international tax cooperation

The organization of coordination in marine governance

From wicked problems to virtuous solutions

Co-management and accountability in home elderly care

Building partnerships to tackle urban poverty


Complexity in environmental governance – the case of coastal carbon

Local Government Organizations as Partners of International Organizations

The impact of the economic crisis on EU climate policy-making

Performance management in Kenya's public sector (2003-2013)

Success and failure of civil service reform in Afghanistan

Organisational change in reform processes

Perception of performance-related pay and performance appraisals in the public sector

Why leaders lead the way they lead

Explaining autonomy and control of municipal enterprises