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Guest lecture | Prof. Dr. Martin Butz (University of Tübingen) "Generative Event-Predictive Cognitive Models"

We are pleased to invite all interested to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Butz (University of Tübingen)!

Title: "Generative Event-Predictive Cognitive Models"

When: June 21, 2021; 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Abstract: Humans develop compositional structures from their actively gathered sensorimotor-based experiences. These grounded compositional structures seem to be critical for developing higher-level cognitive abilities, including analogical, counterfactual, and social reasoning as well as learning a language. Moreover, the structures tend to partially uncover the hidden processes and causes that lie behind our sensorimotor experiences. Motivated by this computational view on cognition, I will present recent insights gained on how such generative compositional structures may develop in humans and how artificial systems may be targeted further towards learning them. I will show dynamic Bayesian as well as recurrent neural network models, which are able to learn compositional and hierarchical structures, model aspects of cognitive development, and generate goal-directed, self-motivated behavior. I conclude with some thoughts on future AI systems, including both their potential abilities and necessary design considerations.

The guest lecture is part of this year's "Day of the UFSKW" and is open to all who wish to attend.

Details about the presenter: Prof. Martin Butz is a full professor at the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Psychology at the University of Tübingen. While his main background lies in computer science (Diploma and PhD in Computer Science), and in machine learning in particular, he has been collaborating with cognitive psychologists, computational neuroscientists, roboticists, and linguists for many years. His research focusses on neuro-computational, cognitive modeling and cognitive science more generally. More information on current research activities can be found on the pages of the Cognitive Modeling Group (University of Tübingen): https://uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche-fakultaet/fachbereiche/informatik/lehrstuehle/cognitive-modeling/

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Prof. Dr. Martin Butz



Universitäts-/ Fachbereich

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21.06.2021, 16:30 Uhr
21.06.2021, 18:00 Uhr
Zoom-login: Meeting link: https://uni-potsdam.zoom.us/j/68898988228  Meeting-ID: 688 9898 8228 Code: 44295294


Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt Kognitionswissenschaften (UFSKW)





Dr. Michaela Schinköth
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14467 Potsdam

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