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Lehrveranstaltungen, die wir durchführen, oder an denen wir beteiligt sind:

Aktuelle Master- und Bachelor-Projekte

  • Im Kontext unserer laufenden Projekte bieten wir Themen für Master- und Bachelor-Arbeiten an, die sich mit dem Optimieren von Labormethoden für alte DNA und/oder mit der bioinformatischen Analyse von (paleo)genomischen Daten beschäftigen. Sprechen Sie uns an!

Abgeschlossene Arbeiten


  • Luis Victoria Nogales (2022): Assessing the molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of the four-toed sengi (Petrodromus) using historical DNA
  • Flora Uesseler (2021): Investigating gene flow in three Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) populations from the island of San Cristóbal
  • Jose Ramirez Garcia (2021):  Analysing the phylogenetic information in genome-wide transposon presence/absence patterns in Afrotherian mammals
  • Wiebke Ponick (Sept 2020): Computational identification and analysis of NUMTs in published primate genomes
  • Sebastian Wieser (Mar 2018): Phylogeny and population characteristics of the straight-tusked elephant at Neumark Nord


  • Laura Mascialino (ongoing): Assessing the mitogenomic diversity of the Ruwenzori otter shrew (Micropotamogale ruwenzorii)
  • Johanna  Markeffsky (ongoing): Assessing the mitogenomic diversity in Bornean Elephants (Elephas maximus borneensis)
  • Recep Durgut (ongoing): Computational identification and analysis of bitter taste receptor genes in elephant shrews
  • Vanessa Norden (2023): Phylogenetic relationships within the African toad genus Werneria with focus on the taxonomic status of W. preussi and W. africanus
  • Lena Werner (2023): First genetic evidence for infection of the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) with a rickettsial endoparasite
  • Clara Keusgen (2023): A new phylogeny of Anodonthyla frogs (Microhylidae: Cophylinae), with insights into the A. boulengerii species complex
  • Marleen Streicher (2022): Evaluating ancestral mitogenome reconstructions across different software packages
  • Robert Lüdecke (2022): Mitogenome reconstruction and phylogeny of the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)
  • Sophia Schrepel (2022): Sequence-based species delimitation in sengis (Macroscelidea)
  • Stefan Bauermeister (Sept 2020): Variation der Anzahl thorakolumbaler Wirbel innerhalb der Afrotheria – Bioinformatische Analyse von Kandidatengenen
  • York Hesse (Nov 2020): Gene family evolution in afrotherian mammals
  • Philipp Jakupovic (Jan 2020): Annotation & phylogenetic analysis of selected digestive enzymes of the newly assembled genome of the carnivorous plant R. gorgonias
  • Marie Gurke (Feb 2019): Bioinformatic analysis of gene family evolution in stick insects
  • Achim Klittich (Oct 2018): Tracing loss-of-function intolerant genes in the human genome across the tree of life
  • Pia Renk (Sept 2018): Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of historical and modern samples from the rinkhals, a Southern African snake
  • Daria Wilhelm (Sept 2018)- Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genomes from ancient cave and brown bears
  • Lisa Trautmann (Aug 2017): Isolation and sequencing of DNA from museum specimens treated with polyethylene glycol
  • Ferdinand Laubisch (Juli 2017): Comparative analysis of lysozyme c sequences in vertebrate genomes
  • Anna Kwiatkowski (Juli 2017)
  • Till Birkner (Jan 2017): Assemblierung und Vergleich von Genomen verschiedener Cyanobakterienstämme der Gattung Aphanizomenon
  • Ariana Knechel (Sept 2016)
  • Susanne Butschkau (Sept 2016): Next-Generation Sequencing of historical Mexican wolves
  • Nikolas Basler (Aug 2016): Reducing the contaminant fraction of DNA obtained from an ancient bone sample
  • Eva-Maria Priesterjahn (Aug 2016): Molecular approaches for investigating biodiversity processes in Epimeria amphipods
  • Julia Plinke (Aug 2016): Attempt to use Bst 3.0 polymerase to increase the fragment length of ancient DNA templates by repairing single stranded nicks
  • Natalia Chadala (März 2015): Dertermining the sex of bears based on unassembled Illumina shotgun sequence data