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Formal requirements and criteria

Applicants will apply by proposing their own postdoctoral research project. The project should be:

  • within the thematic field of minor cosmopolitanisms as defined by the programme
  • relevant to the aims and goals of the RTG
  • pertinent to the further conceptual, thematic, and methodological development of the RTG and the concept of minor cosmopolitanisms
  • interdisciplinary in scope.

Possible foci may for instance be critical investigations of new border regimes, the relation of posthumanism and the postcolonial, or alternative genealogies of cosmopolitan thought and practice. Other pertinent topics are just as welcome.

Criteria include:

  • the academic quality of the proposed project
  • its relevance for the RTG’s research profile
  • its potential to set into conversation a wide range of doctoral projects within the RTG
  • candidates' previous research experience in the fields of the RTG (shown clearly in their CVs and publication lists)

Candidates with the following skill sets are highly welcome:

Previous professional experience

  • in international networking
  • in the conception and organisation of scientific events
  • in the publication of edited volumes
  • excellent social skills
  • capacity for teamwork

Formal requirements:

Applicants must hold a PhD in one of the disciplines, and ideally have a background in more than one of the fields represented by the RTG.

Knowledge of German is highly welcome.

Language proficiency in English is required.

  • If you have completed a degree with English as its language of instruction, have written your doctoral thesis in English, or are an English native speaker, no proof of language proficiency will be requested.
  • In all other cases, applicants will be asked to present certification of their English proficiency level in the course of the application process.