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Curriculum Vitae

Since 09/2019
Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, Washington/USA

Since 06/2019
Holder of the Hedda Andersson Chair at Lund University, Sweden 

Since 09/2016
Vice president for Western Europe at the International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS)

Since 04/2013
Chair of “Political Science, Public Administration and Organization II” at the University of Potsdam

10/2009 – 03/2013
Chair of “Comparative Administrative Sciences, particularly Public Administration in Europe” at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer

Since 09/2011
Member of the National Regulatory Control Council, Berlin

Since 01/2011

Co-Chair of the Permanent Study Group V: "Regional and Local Government" der European Group for Public Administration (EGPA)

04/2009 – 09/2009
Interim professor (W3) of “Domestic Policies and Public Administration” at the University of Konstanz

10/2008 – 04/2009
Visiting professor of Administrative Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for Social Sciences, Chair of Administrative Sciences

12/2007 – 09/2008
Visiting professor at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (as part of the successful Initiative for Excellence), Humboldt University Berlin, Institute for Social Sciences

10/2005 – 09/2008
Research assistant, University of Potsdam

06/2003 – 12/2007
Habilitation; award of the pro venia legendi for Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Potsdam

Research fellow at the Maison des Scienes de l’Homme (MSH)

10/1999 – 06/2002
Doctorate at the faculty of philosophy III at the Humboldt University Berlin

03/1996 – 03/2004
Research assistant at the Humboldt University Berlin, Teaching focus: administrative sciences

09/1992 – 06/1993
Lycée and collège in Nancy/France, position as a foreign language assistant

10/1990 – 06/1995
Studies of Social Sciences at the Humboldt University Berlin