Vortrag: "Free Will. Do we have it? Does it matter?" by the philosopher Dr. Peter E. Payne
Do you (the conscious self) have any control over your thoughts, your desires, your beliefs, or your decisions? If the answer is “Yes”, we hope you will choose to come to our lecture.
If the answer is “No”, we hope that a chain of prior causes governed be the laws of physics will induce neuronal events in your brain that will send you to our lecture.
Join us, when the American, Christian philosopher Peter Payne (PhD) tackles the question whether we have free will and whether we should even care about that. You can pose questions in our short Q&A-session and afterwards, there will be room to chat and enjoy some snacks.
So, be our guest - at your own leisure or at the mercy of your predetermined decision - on April 24 at 6 p.m. on Campus Griebnitzsee (house 6, room H01).
Hosted by: SMD Potsdam - a christian group of the university of Potsdam
For more information check out our website (hochschul-smd.org/potsdam) or our Instagram (smd.potsdam).
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August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam
Universitätsstraße 30-32
35037 Marburg