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Second Hand Stories Image

Second Hand Stories – ein linguistischer Blick auf Familienanekdoten

Wir haben 45 italienische und deutsche Geschichten aus zweiter Hand gesammelt, 'Second Hand Stories', die von 2, 3 oder 4 Familienmitgliedern erzählt …
BIP School Literacy

BIP School - Language and Literacy in Migration Context

Applications are open! Please register by April 12, 2024, using the following link
Logo Journal of Language and Aging Research

The latest issue of the Journal of Language and Aging Research is online

We are happy to announce the publication of the newest issue of the Journal of Language and Aging Research (vol. 2, no. 1). This issue includes three …
Logo Python for Poets

Python for Poets

16.02.24 + 17.02.24: Python for Poets | Course for Humanists. For more information click here!

Prof. Dr. Lihe Huang (Tongji University) as visiting Humboldt Fellow

February 2024: Prof. Dr.  Lihe Huang (Tongji University, Rep. of China) is visiting us as a Humboldt Fellow. He is General Secretary of Research …