Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau
Funded by: Federal Minstery of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Granted project volume: 196.930,00 €
Run-time: 01.01.2018 – 31.03.2021
In recent years, many companies have begun to make greater use of the creative potential of their employees. The continuous improvement process achieves an optimization of processes and products through continuous idea generation and systematic idea development. However, the idea potential of employees is not yet used efficiently enough. Employees often lose their incentive and motivation to participate in the idea process due to insufficient documentation, a lack of transparency and a lack of feedback. As a result, not only the number of suggestions for improvement often decreases, but also their quality.
So far, intrinsic factors such as evoking affiliation, appreciation and self-actualization have not been applied in the context of the CIP. Gamification represents a promising optimization approach by using intrinsic motivation to increase the commitment of individuals to a specific field of action. The aim of the research project is to develop a new gamification platform. The game concept, which will be integrated on the platform, should animate employees to regularly participate in the idea process, whereby important impulses for the company will be taken up and made usable.
To ensure that all individuals show the same level of commitment, it is necessary to develop a gamification concept that can be adapted to the individual needs of the people involved. By analyzing the types of players and their behavior, individual game situations are created and made usable for the CIP.
Main research question:
The central research question is how the quality and quantity of suggestions in the CIP can be increased by adaptive gamification. After completion of the research project, a web-based platform will be available free of charge for interested companies. This platform allows an analysis of heterogeneous player types, creates individual game situations, and enables a visible generation of ideas for the CIP.
Research objective:
Especially SMEs will be enabled by the results of the research project to increase employee motivation as well as the yield of the suggestion scheme and at the same time to counteract previous obstacles, such as lack of interaction and communication due to geographical distribution.