UP.Start - Orientation Day | October 7, 2024
Welcome to the University of Potsdam! We are delighted to welcome you as a new student. At the beginning of your first semester, we would like to give you an overview of the offers of and contacts at the central institutions. Discover the wide range of services that our university has in store to provide you with the right support at every stage of your studies and to promote your academic success.
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Place: Griebnitzsee Campus | Building 6
Schedule and Registration
All presentations, workshops, and the information fair will take place in Building 6 on Griebnitzsee Campus. Just drop by and ask your questions during the workshops, events, or at the information booths. If registration is required, this will be clearly indicated in the attached event program.
You can purchase a lunch at the dining hall between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
UP.START Program | 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The following overview lists all the events of the day.
If registration is required for your chosen event, please confirm your participation in advance via e-mail.
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Room | Time | 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. |
Foyer | UP International Rally! |
Lecture Hall H02 | Infovortrag zum BAföG [German] |
Lecture Hall H03 | Mit der UP ins Ausland [German] |
Lecture Hall H04 | UNIcert(r) - Sprachenausbildung am Zessko [German] |
Lecture Hall H05 | Lehramt? - ZeLBstverständlich! Das Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Bildungsforschung stellt sich vor [German] Format: Lecture |
Seminar Room S.17 | Gesund Studieren! Der Feel Good Campus zeigt dir, was dir dabei helfen kann" [German] Format: Workshop |
Seminar Room S.19 | Psychisch fit ins Studium starten [German] Format: Lecture/Workshop |
Seminar Room S.21 | Schreiber*innen-Ich entdecken [German] |
Seminar Room S.22 | Morning Net-Walk für Studentinnen [German] |
Seminar Room S.23 | Neustart Studium: Vernetzungsgruppe für Wiedereinsteiger*innen nach Studienunterbrechung [German] Möchten Sie Ihr Studium nach einer Unterbrechung wieder aufnehmen? Herzlich willkommen zurück! Wir laden Sie zur Vernetzungsgruppe für Wiedereinsteiger*innen ein. Dieses Angebot richtet sich an Personen, die ihr Studium aufgrund von Pflegeaufgaben, Auslandsaufenthalten, Praktika, Exmatrikulation oder gesundheitlichen Gründen unterbrochen haben und zum Wintersemester 2024/25 wieder beginnen möchten. Wir unterstützen Ihren Neustart an der Universität Potsdam und fördern den Austausch mit Menschen in ähnlichen Situationen. Bei den monatlichen Treffen stehen Ihre Erfahrungen im Mittelpunkt. Sie erhalten Impulse zu Themen wie Zeiteinteilung, Lernstrategien und Studienmotivation. Zusätzlich bieten wir persönliche Beratungsgespräche an, um Ihre individuellen Herausforderungen zu besprechen. Format: Networking group |
Seminar Room S.25 | New at UP?! First steps about how to start your studies [English] Format: Information event |
Meeting point in front of Building 5 | Tour of the library in Babelsberg [German] Format: Tour |
Training Room in Building 5 | Bibliotheksworkshop [German] Format: Workshop |
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Room | Time | 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. |
Foyer | UP International Rally! |
Lecture Hall H02 | Gesund Studieren! Der Feel Good Campus zeigt dir, was dir dabei helfen kann" [German] Format: Workshop |
Lecture Hall H06 / H07 | "Und wat machste dann damit?" - Berufliche Orientierung im Studium mitdenken [German] |
Seminar Room S.13 | Quiztime [German & English] Format: Interactive Workshop |
Seminar Room S.15 | Dialogue in Motion - Communication with and Beyond Words [German & English] Format: Workshop |
Seminar Room S.16 | Writing techniques - get into writing, stay in writing [German & English] |
Seminar Room S.17 | 15 Minuten - 15 Kurse - Hochschulsport Potsdam ist mehr als nur Sport! [German] Hinweis: In der Zeit von 11:30-12:30 Uhr wird das Programm zweimal angeboten. Format: Introductory offer |
Seminar Room S.18 | „Ein europäischer Sommer“ – eine Summer-School-Talkrunde [German] Format: Lecture |
Seminar Room S.21 | With the support of the library to more publication competence [German] Format: Lecture |
Seminar Room S.22 | Stimmlich fit als Lehrkraft! - ZeLBstverständlich! [German] Format: Workshop |
Seminar Room S.23 | Studium mit Familienverantwortung - Informationen zur Unterstützung: Nachteilsausgleich, Studienplanung, Kinderbetreuung, Netzwerke etc. [German] |
Seminar Room S.24 | Diversitätssensibel studieren an der UP - Informationen zu Beratungs-, Empowerment- und Mitgestaltungsangeboten [German] |
Meeting point in front of Building 5 | Tour of the library in Babelsberg [German] Format Tour |
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Room | Time | 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. |
Foyer | UP International Rally! |
Lecture Hall H02 | Ab in die Praxis - ZeLBstverständlich! [German] Format: Lecture with a discussion |
Lecture Hall H03 | Going Abroad with the University of Potsdam [English] |
Seminar Room S.12 | Studierende mit beruflicher Qualifikation: Herzlich willkommen an der Universität Potsdam! [German] Format: Introductory Event |
Seminar Room S.13 | UP to the Dormitories! [German & English] Format: Infoworkshop und Spaziergang |
Seminar Room S.14 | Language Cafés and Language Tandem Partnerships [English] |
Seminar Room S.17 | Fitness meets Mobility beim Hochschulsport [German] |
Seminar Room S.21 | Vorne stehen und überzeugen [German] |
Seminar Room S.22 | Gut ankommen an der UP - Tipps aus dem Erfahrungsschatz der Zentralen Studienberatung [German] Format: Workshop |
Seminar Room S.25 | Managing the twists and turns of career orientation [English] Format: Lecture |
Seminar Room S.26 | Workshop zum Stundenplanbau [German] Format: Workshop Institution: Central Student Advisory Service Speaker: Henrik Schmidt Registration: Fully booked! Target group: Bachelor and Master students Language: German |
Meeting point in front of Building 5 | Tour of the library in Babelsberg [English] Format: Tour |
Training Room in Building 5 | Bibliotheksworkshop [English] Format: Workshop |
Information Fair | 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Building 6 Foyer
Welcome to the University of Potsdam’s information fair – the central point of contact for anyone who wants to find out more about the university’s wide range of offers and services! This is a unique opportunity to get in direct contact with representatives of the central institutions and ask all your questions about your studies, our services, and support options.
Information Fair Participants
Academic Sports Center | Feel Good Campus |
Career Orientation for Students of the Humanities | General Students’ Committee (AStA) |
Career Service | Inclusive Studying |
Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) – Key Competences | Industry and Business Partnership |
Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) – Language Tandems, Language Café, Language Learning Counseling | International Office (plus Buddy program) |
Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) – Presentation Coaching | Nightline Potsdam |
Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) – Writing Assistance Program (supported by the Writing Assistance for International Students) | Potsdam Transfer |
Center for Teacher Training and Education Research (ZeLB) | Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg |
Central Student Advisory Service | UNIshop |
Department of Research and Publication Support of the Potsdam University Library | University Library |
Equal Opportunity Coordination Office | University Scholarship |
Erasmus Student Network Potsdam | University Society Potsdam e.V. |
European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) |
Do you need childcare? We are happy to assist you! Childcare will be available in the family room and, if necessary, on the outdoor area in front of it. Please contact the persons at the central info-point or directly in the family room: Griebnitzsee, Building 1, Room 0.25 (outer wing parallel to the train tracks, next to the passage to the cafeteria).