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Fabian Kirsch


  1. Kirsch, F., Busching, R., Rohlf, H., & Krahé, B. (2019). Using behavioral observation for the longitudinal study of anger regulation in middle childhood. Applied Developmental Science, 23, 105-118. doi: 10.1080/10888691.2017.1325325
  2. Holl, A., Kirsch, F., Rohlf, H., Krahé, B., & Elsner, B. (2018). Longitudinal reciprocity between theory of mind and aggression in middle childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42, 257-266. doi: 10.1177/0165025417727875
  3. Kirsch, F., Rohlf, H., & Krahé, B. (2015). Measuring anger regulation in middle childhood through behavioural observation: A longitudinal validation. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12, 718-727. doi: 10.1080/17405629.2015.1101375
  4. Kirsch, F. (2015). Wahrgenommene Attraktivität und sexuelle Orientierung: Die Wirkung von Rot und Farbpräferenzen (Perceived attractiveness and sexual orientation: The effects of red and color preferences). Wiesbaden: Springer.
  5. Niesta Kays8er, D., Frey, D., Kirsch, F., Brandstätter, V., & Aghte, M. (2016). Zivilcourage [Moral courage]. In H.-W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (Eds.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Sozialpsychologie. Bd 2: Soziale Motive und Soziale Einstellungen [Encyclopedia of psychology - C/VI/2: Social motives and social attitudes] (pp. 255-278). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Conference Presentations

  1. Kirsch, F., Niesta Kayser, D., & Krahé, B. (2016, March). The red romance effect and sexual orientation. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Heidelberg.
  2. Niesta Kayser, D., & Kirsch, F. (2016, March). Intervention in dangerous situations: The role of perceived intervention risk when injustice sensitivity toward others does not predict moral courage. 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Heidelberg.
  3. Kirsch, F. (2015, September).  Anger regulation, aggression and the mediating role of social rejection in children: A 3-year longitudinal study. 15th Meeting of the Social Psychology Section, Potsdam.
  4. Niesta Kayser, D.. & Kirsch, F. (2015, September). Brave social intervention: The meaning of trait anger in predicting help-giving in situations that require moral courage. 15th Meeting of the Social Psychology Section, Potsdam
  5. Kirsch, F., Rohlf, H., Busching, R., & Krahé, B. (2015, August). Ärgerregulation, Aggression und die vermittelnde Rolle der sozialen Zurückweisung bei Kindern: Eine Längsschnittstudie über drei Jahre. Poster, 22. Tagung der Fachgruppe Entwicklungspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt am Main.
  6. Kirsch, F. Niesta Kayser, D., & Krahé, B. (2014, July). Universality of the red romance effect: The impact of sexual orientation. Poster, 17th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Amsterdam.