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‘Talk and Action’ How International Organizations Respond to Areas of Limited Statehood

Prof. Dr. Andrea Liese

within the DFG- SFB 700 - Duration 2014-2017

The Collaborative Research Center, to which this sub-project contributes, focuses on the questions: How are areas of limited statehood governed? What are the specific context conditions of governance in areas of limited statehood and which problems arise? It analyzes governance – the diverse forms and modes of ruling – in areas in which state authority is limited. How are public goods provided when states do not effectively exercise a monopoly on the use of force? How are binding rules determined and enforced when states lack basic capabilities?The sub-project "'Talk and Action'. How International Organizations Respond to Areas of Limited Statehood" of Andrea Liese focuses on the following questions: How do different international organizations conceptualize governance in areas of limited statehood? Ho do these conceptions differ? How does discourse and action of international organizations and how can the different interpretations of governance in discourse and action be explained?

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