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News from the University of Potsdam

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Frederike Offizier during the interview.

All Totally Healthy? – American Studies Scholar Frederike Offizier About Biosecurity

Early diagnostics, genetic tests, self-surveillance: In the scientific community, the term biosecurity has long since ceased to refer only to the …
Schriftzug an ein einer Schulwand

Let’s go to Ghana! - Day 12/13: Between school and the presidential palace

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 12: Insights into the culture Today, for some of us, the day starts just like at home - at school. We are given a private tour of the Apple …
The Memorial Wall of Return at the Ancestral Slave River Site

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 10/11: First impressions in Kumasi

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 10: Drive to Kumasi and visit to the Ancestral Slave River Site in Assin Manso After another five eventful days, we leave our accommodation in …
Kakum National Park: Part of the suspension bridges in Kakum National Park

Let’s go to Ghana! Day 8/9: Pure nature

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 8: Kakum National Park and Stingless Bee Farm After spending the day before on our research project, we set off early today - to Kakum National …
Sternenhimmel über Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 6/7: On our way to Elmina Castle into the dark past

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Addition to last night: Our first night at the new accommodation “The Beach House Afiki” in Ankwande turns out to be exciting, because of a power …
Mehrsprachigkeit in der Kirche

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 4/5: From the traces of the past to the education of the future

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 4: Visit the most important memorial sites in Accra Today, a visit to the Legon Interdominational Church on the campus and the Kwame Nkrumah …
Students out and about on the campus of the University of Accra

Let’s go to Ghana! – Days 1-3: Manifold experiences and impressions in Accra

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 1: Arrival in Accra and a first meeting with teaching staff of the University of Ghana (UG) Right after our arrival at “Yiri Lodge”, the …
Der kleine Fischerort Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! Potsdam students on a field trip to West Africa

A group of 9 students from the faculty of philosophy travel to Ghana from the 7th to the 21st of December. The students from Bachelor and Master …
The Earth globe with people around

Forging New Alliances – The Research Training Group minor cosmopolitanisms wants to encourage dialogue

Cosmopolitans are at home everywhere; the world is their home. Neighbors, friends, like-minded people, and peers all around. A charming idea that, in …
Internationale Studierende

One Problem, Many Perspectives – How Irene Heidt Teaches Prospective English Language Teachers to Understand Racism from a Critical Perspective

Innovative teaching projects 2022

Racism is a problem. Especially for those who experience it every day and suffer from its manifold forms and consequences. However, overcoming racism …