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News from the University of Potsdam

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Dr Katharina Rein in her office.

Threefold Magic – Technology, Tricks, and Show Effects

Sophisticated card tricks, floating objects, or alleged mind reading: Hardly anyone has not been amazed by the illusions and spectacles of …
Frederike Offizier during the interview.

All Totally Healthy? – American Studies Scholar Frederike Offizier About Biosecurity

Early diagnostics, genetic tests, self-surveillance: In the scientific community, the term biosecurity has long since ceased to refer only to the …
Symbolische Darstellung eines Netzwerks

“The Aim is to Increase the Competitiveness and Visibility of Young Universities” – The Young European Research Universities Network YERUN

The European Union has transformed a continent that was divided and even hostile for centuries into a community that exchanges ideas, makes joint …
Symbolic image: Solidarność movement

From Solidarność to PiS and Back? – The Path of Polish Democracy in Europe

Where is Polish democracy heading? This question weighs on the minds of many who have followed the country’s political developments in recent years, …
Iain Macdonald is Professor of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal and visited the University of Potsdam for the second time as a guest researcher.

Rediscover Old Paths with UP Reconnect – Alumni Can Return to the University of Potsdam for Short Stays via a Funding Program

Going back to conduct research at your former alma mater, cultivating old or new friendships, and developing scientific ideas together: With the “UP …
Eli Friedlander

From Kant’s Philosophy to Benjamin’s Aesthetics – The Israeli Philosopher Eli Friedlander Is a Guest at the University of Potsdam

Wer sich die Gemälde von Franz Marc ansieht, findet neben expressionistisch und fast kubistisch anmutenden Formen vor allem eins: satte, …
Dr. Judith Klinger

Did You Know … that kings and peasants dressed up as Robin Hood?

Bow and arrow, green clothing with a hood. That can only be Robin Hood, can’t it? In fact, the stories about the outlaw in the Sherwood Forest were so …
Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Raters

Learning From Brandenburg – How a school subject promotes tolerance and respect

So far, the subject with the rather longwinded name “Lifestyle, Ethics, Religious Studies”, or L-E-R for short, has made headlines because it was …
Matheus Hagedorny during the interview.

Between Hostility and Admiration – The Historian Matheus Hagedorny on Images of Islam among the New Right

In early 2024, hundreds of thousands of people across Germany took to the streets to protest against the far-right. This was in response to a meeting …
Der Sabbat bietet Zeit für Ruhe und Einkehr – auch im Grünen.

Green Sabbath – How an Ancient Jewish Ritual Could Save Us from the Ecological Crisis

What if we all did absolutely nothing for one day a week? How would we feel and what would our world look like? We could rest – and as a key side …