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News from the University of Potsdam

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Pic.: Andreas Klaer

Politics Upclose

The Institute of Local Government Studies

They decide where to build new bike paths and how many places to create in day-care centers for children. They also decide about the opening hours of …
Pic: Kerstin Littke

Caribbean Kaleidoscope

The Fascination of Moving Non-Centers

The Caribbean? Gorgeous. Who has not envisioned himself/herself lying in a hammock under palm trees at the ocean watching the sunset? Who has not …
Photo: Karla Fritze

Scattered Heritage

German-Jewish Culture around the World

A chipped cup with a faded golden rim. An old teddy bear, a yellowed, shabby tablecloth. A poem, a letter, a historical Goethe edition – all these …

Mental Number Line

The role of finger counting and the significance of embodied cognition

Is our brain a computer? A calculating machine? A processor of information with memory capacity problems? For a long time neuroscientists thought so. …

Who Ate the Mouse?

Psycholinguists from Potsdam examine how the human brain processes language

We can understand what we read and hear without any difficulty. We do this without ever really thinking about the high performance of our brain. It is …
Source: Stieglitz, S. & Dang-Xuan, L. (2012): Social Media and Political Communication - A Social Media Analytics Framework. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM)

Needles in a Haystack

Project Group: Analysis of Opinion-Forming on the Internet

Social media have changed the world of public communication. Through applications such as Twitter, Facebook, and blogs, the opportunities for public …
Foto: Fabian Frenzel

Education or Voyeurism?

Potsdam geographers study what slum tourism changes in visitors and visited


Museums and markets, animals and temples, picturesque landscapes and friendly people – these are the things that most people want to experience when …
Potsdam - Capital of Brandenburg, Photo: Karla Fritze


Political scientists from Potsdam are dealing with the challenges of climate change

Climate change is among those topics that are discussed the most intensively all over the world. Even if it is not evident at first glance, these are …
Research Training Group WIPCAD 2013, Photo: Karla Fritze

Wicked Problems

Young academics investigate “Contested Public Administration”

Science rarely seems to be simple because it tries to explore the unexplored and to understand what has not been understood so far. The questions and …

Call for Applications for the „Arctic in the Anthropocene“ Summer School

First Potsdam Summer School on the „Arctic in the Anthropocene“

We have the pleasure to announce the call for applications for the first Potsdam Summer School PSS 2014 on the “Arctic in the Anthropocene” in …