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News from the University of Potsdam

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Neckargmünd under water

When Heavy Rainfall Turns into Flash Floods – Hydrology research group examines the hazards of flash floods for cities

In July 2021, there were devastating floods caused by heavy rainfall with 180 deaths and immense economic damages in Rhineland-Palatine and …
Short break and data recording in the Argentinean Puna, the second highest mountain plateau on earth and research site of the DFG Research Training Group “StRATEGy”.

A Trip through the Andes – Geoscientists on Excursion in Argentina

At the end of November 2021, PhD students from the international research training group “StRATEGy” and the dual PhD program of the DAAD-funded …
Areas of forest fires in 2018, … | Photo: Dr. Thilo Heinken

The forest of tomorrow – On former burnt areas, researchers are studying how forests can become more resilient

The forest in Germany is doing badly. Since 1984, the health of trees has been published in the annual forest condition report. In 2020, only 21% of …
Hydrologist Prof. Dr. Thorsten Wagener joined the University of Potsdam as a Humboldt Professor at the beginning of 2021. | Photo: Sandra Scholz

Water is His Element – Alexander von Humboldt Professor Thorsten Wagener researches at the University of Potsdam

“Back to familiar things after an absence of 25 years” – this is how he feels about returning to Germany after many years abroad, says Prof. Thorsten …
Prof. Dr. Manfred Strecker | Photo: Thilo Schoch

Honoured – Potsdam geoscientist Prof. Dr. Manfred Strecker elected to the Academia de Ciencias of Argentina

Geologist Professor Manfred Strecker from the University of Potsdam was inducted into the Academia Nacional de Ciencias of Argentina (Córdoba) on May …
Representation of atomic clusters formed by gold, arsenic and sulfur in arsenian pyrite (shown in the background as imaged using Scanning Electron Microscopy; not to scale).

A mineral pump for gold in the Earth’s crust

An international team of scientists with participation of mineralogist Dr. Maria Kokh from the University of Potsdam was able to elucidate the mystery …
Peter van der Beek during a sampling campaign in the Alps | Foto: T.F. Schildgen

Looking at smallest atoms to understand large-scale Mountain ranges – A welcome to Peter van der Beek at the Institute of Geosciences

Peter van der Beek has joined the academic leadership at the Institute of Geosciences at Potsdam University. The internationally well-known Earth …
Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli (3.v.l.) does his research at the Skaergaard Intrusion, Greenland …

Seen from the root of mountains – Humboldt Fellow Gautier Nicoli links plate tectonics and the carbon cycle

As a petrologist, Gautier Nicoli deals with the occurrence, composition and formation of rocks. He collects samples of metamorphic rocks from all over …
The Olorgesailie Basin in the Kenya Rift Valley, part of the Eastern Branch of the East African Rift System.  In the background the high topography of the Rift’s border faults. | Photo: Corinna Kalich, University of Potsdam

Calculated – Why a whole region is rotating in the middle of Africa

For the first time ever, the causes for the strange motion of a tectionic plate have been identified by using three dimensional computer models. The …
Eva Eibl documents the status of a station after recording overnight and before it is moved to a new location. The steam of the hot water in the pool is visible in the background. | Photo: Daniel Vollmer

Fire and Ice – why Eva Eibl does research in Iceland in the mid of winter

Iceland is worth a trip or two. Well known for its awesome landscape, its famous horses and its un-pronounceable volcanoes Iceland is flooded by …