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News from the University of Potsdam

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Reservoir „Sierra Boyera“ in Córdoba (southern Spain) with intake tower. Usual water levels almost reach the top of the tower. Because of dehydration and low water level, a pipe system connects the intake tower with the closest water body in the photo.

Hydrologic models and climate change – Humboldt Fellow Patricio Yeste guest at the University of Potsdam

The research of Dr. Patricio Yeste involves the application of hydrologic models and the analysis of climate change impacts on water resources. Since …
Prof Neher explains to Matthias Zimmermann how the prototypes of new solar cells are manufactured.

My World – Dieter Neher – Professor for Soft Matter Physics and Optoelectronics

My daily life as a scientist currently focuses on our research into new types of semiconductors for solar cells. Some people may ask why this research …
Eruption at Geldingadalir in Iceland in 2021

The telltale sound of volcanoes

Before volcanoes erupt, there is already rumbling underground. Recognising characteristic features in this “sound” is an important step on the way to …
The participants of the workshop for young geoscientists

Geoscientific Cooperation with India Strengthened – Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher at the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology

A workshop for young geoscientists took place at the foot of the Himalayas in Dehra Dun from November 25 to December 1, 2023, funded and co-organized …
3D point cloud model of the Golm Campus

From Space and From the Air, with Laser and Neutrons – Modern Sensor Technology Helps to Better Understand the World

Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatic buoyancy because he himself caused his bathtub to overflow, Isaac Newton is said to have discovered the …
Olkaria geothermal field

KAWI KWA TAIFA – Energy for the nation – Potsdam and Kenyan Geosciences Researchers Investigate Geothermal Areas in the East African Rift Valley

Ol Karia – red ochre in the Maasai language, is a clayey, iron rich deposit found in areas with volcanic hot springs in the Kenya Rift. Red ochre is …

When a pipeline has a leak – hydrogen is to become a key element for the post-fossil age

“Water is the coal of the future. Tomorrow’s energy will be derived from water that has been broken down by an electric current. The constituent …
Tief eingeschnittenes Flussbett des Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, Indien

Narrow Valleys, steep river gradients – how Big Data Analyses help understanding the Himalayas

Based on over 1000 measurements of uplift rates in the Himalayas, a team with participation of the University of Potsdam were able to show that …
Künstlerische Darstellung von Wasser

“Security is One of the Most Important Concerns of Society Today” – New “WaterHub” aims to facilitate the networking of research on Water water extremes

Two thirds of the Earth’s surface are covered by water. It dominates our everyday lives, even if we do not always notice it. But there is trouble if …
The Great Barrier Reef.

Climate Witnesses on the Seabed – Dr. Manfred Mudelsee develops statistical methods to evaluate data from climate archives

Natural climate archives provide a glimpse into bygone times. Researchers extract data from these archives that go back thousands, hundreds of …