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News from the University of Potsdam

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Prof. Dr. Christian Bickenbach | Photo: Sandra Scholz

Is There a Right to Climate Protection? – Legal expert Christian Bickenbach examines the legal foundations of climate litigation

The dry summers of recent years are taking their toll. The effects of global warming, such as long heat waves or floods, cause damage running into …
Prof. Dr. iur. Björn Steinrötter. | Photo: Thomas Roese

"Do We Want Artificial Intelligence to Administer Law?" – IT and media law expert Björn Steinrötter researches legal issues of digitalization

He stands in front of students in the lecture hall, is the author of legal essays, commentaries, and manuals, and researches today’s most pressing …
Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann (left) and adjunct Prof. Dr. Norman Weiß | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Law in a state of emergency – How the corona crisis affects human rights

On the corona pandemic – contributions from the University of Potsdam

Many countries around the world have taken drastic measures in an effort to stop or at least slow down the spread of coronavirus: schools, …
Prof. Uwe Hellmann (right) and Dr. Sargis Terzikyan. | Photo: Tobias Hopfgarten

Punishment & Law – Research Center for Russian Law Facilitates Lively Exchange between Germany and Post-Soviet States

Human dignity, freedom, and property are elementary objects of legal protection. Those who violate them can expect sanctions – and these differ from …
Various legal fields - be they criminal, competition, anti-trust, or intellectual property law - fall under the purview of media law. Picture: Sören Stache

New Legal Territory — Legal scholars analyze media-related issues

Her private life has often been disseminated in tabloids, but Caroline von Monaco—Caroline, Princess of Hanover since 1999—has consistently taken …
Pic.: Andreas Klaer

Politics Upclose

The Institute of Local Government Studies

They decide where to build new bike paths and how many places to create in day-care centers for children. They also decide about the opening hours of …