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Course of Studies: Bachelor of Arts in Educational Science | StO 2018

Content and Aims of the Programme

The subject of Educational Science at the University of Potsdam focuses on the individual development and learning of young people in the context of school, extracurricular institutions, families and social institutions. The Bachelor’s in Educational Science will introduce you to the foundational theories, methods and principles of education. The course has a particular focus on the following areas:

  • Research methods in educational science
  • Lifelong educational processes
  • Professional practice in educational contexts
  • Theories of learning, development and education
  • Educational qualifications in institutional contexts
  • Historical developments in education and socialisation

Alongside the introduction of these fundamental questions around educational thinking, students on this course will familiarise themselves with the logic behind a range of foundational educational approaches (e.g. educating, supporting, mediating, counselling). Students will also use theoretical models to examine a range of educational fields. Above all, the course focuses on questions around how students are socialised in and out of school, and in formal and informal educational settings. Students will use findings from research into childhood and adolescence to examine, in more detail, characteristic processes of education, upbringing and socialisation, including historical change.

Study Aims and Future Career Options

The focus of the bachelor’s programme is on foundations and methodologies. Students are taught the theories, methods and principles of educational science, and these can be applied in professional fields to solve problems and offer scientifically sound justifications and judgements. In addition to the development of competences in reflection and practice in the field of education, the bachelor’s degree programme also aims to expand personal, social and methodological competences. The educational fields focused on during the course are primarily in the areas of adult education, extracurricular education for young people, professional and further education, human resources and educational research. In addition to basic competences in educational science, students also acquire professional competences in educational practice, planning and evaluation. These practical skills are relevant to educational institutions, both public and private, and to providers of professional and further education, as well as human resources roles.

Program Structure and Modules

The Educational Science programme is offered at the University of Potsdam as a joint-honours bachelor’s programme. Educational Science can be chosen as the minor or major subject. The standard period of study for Educational Science as a major or minor subject is six semesters (i.e. three years, with a German academic year containing two semesters). If you take Educational Science (including the bachelor’s dissertation) as a major subject, this comprises 90 credits (Leistungspunkte or LPs) alongside 30 credits in key competences (Studiumplus). If you take Educational Science as a minor subject, this will comprise 60 credits.

The bachelor’s programme has a modular structure. Within the modules, the study content is brought together thematically and taught in different study and teaching formats. In each module, students need to achieve a fixed number of credit points (LPs), as well as passing the relevant coursework and exams. The above diagram illustrates module structure and also depicts a recommended course of study if studying the subject as your major. Detailed information and also more detail on the scope of studying Educational Science as a minor can be found in the subject-specific regulations for the Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Science.

Work Placement

Students will undertake a mandatory supervised work placement in the form of module ERZ-B2-G2 ‘Vocational Orientation and Professional Practice’. The placement lasts six weeks and allows students to acquire the competences required to apply their newly gained knowledge in educational science in a practical environment, in which they will be able to interpret and explain real-world situations. This practical experience will also allow them to simultaneously assess their strengths and weaknesses in terms of their future professional practice. Further information on the work placement can be found on our work placement page.

Application / Admission

Applications and admission to the Bachelor in Educational Science are handled by the Student Administration Office of the University of Potsdam.

Enrolment takes place during the Winter Semester.

If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact the Registrar’s Office or the Central Student Advisory Service at the University of Potsdam.