Wolfgang Ihle
Senior Scientist
University of Potsdam
Department Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
House 14, Room 6.40
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
consulting hours
Tue 16:00-17:00
and by appointment
Position: Senior Scientist at the Department for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Other Functions: Academic Advisor for Diploma and Master students in Psychology
(Specialisation in Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling Psychology), Head of the Academy for Psychotherapy and Intervention (API) Research, Head of the API Centre for Learning Disabilities
See also:Academy for Psychotherapy and Intervention (API) Research, API Centre for Learning Disabilities
Degree: Diploma (1987, Psychology, University of Mannheim), Psychological Psychotherapist (1999), Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist (2006)
Research interests: Epidemiology, Developmental Psychopathology, Depressive Disorders, Prevention and intervention research, Health care research, Psychological and psychotherapeutic education research