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Inclusion Award 2022 - Inclusion Challenge #OneLessBarrier

Based on Adorno's call for a social status in which one can "be different without fear," as part of the competition "How inclusive is the UP?"

#EineBarriereWeniger, we are looking for previously unknown or hidden barriers or opportunities for participation for students or employees with disabilities/chronic illnesses.  "Persons with disabilities include people who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that, in interaction with various barriers, may prevent them from participating fully, effectively and equally in society." (UN-BRK). We are not only interested in the concrete barriers that people with disabilities encounter at the University of Potsdam, but above all, looking for suitable solutions. We are not only interested in structural barriers, but also in obstacles that are not visible at first glance (especially for people without disabilities).All university members can participate in the competition. Show or describe to us what you consider to be a glaring obstacle/barrier that students or staff members with disabilities/chronic illness encounter at the university. You can make this visible with the help of a video, photo documentation, interview or similar. Develop a proposal for a solution, which they can also present by means of  video, photo montage, etc. You can participate in the competition as an individual or as a group.The entries will be judged by a jury during a presentation. The winner will receive a prize money of 500,00€.

You can submit your contribution here from 01.07.2022.

Submit your contribution

Inclusion Award Submission

Please enter the result of the arithmetic problem in the input field.

Award Winners

2021 Dr. Ljuba Kirjuchina und Prof. Dr. Christoph Schulte

2020 "Night Line Potsdam"

2017 Daniela Gebbert