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Jüdische Studien: Tagungen und Veranstaltungen

Navigating Complexity Amidst Polarization: Postcolonial Perspectives & Jewish Studies

Semestereröffnung des Instituts für Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft am 17. April 2024

Mittwoch, 17. April 2024| 16 Uhr Am Neuen Palais 11 | Haus 12 | Raum 0.39

Vortrag:  "Navigating Complexity Amidst Polarization: Postcolonial Perspectives & Jewish Studies"
Yael Attia & Jonathan Hirsch (Universität Potsdam)

Im Anschluss laden die Fachschaftsräte Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft zu einem kleinen Umtrunk/Empfang im Foyer Haus 11 ein.

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Sephardic Perspectives Research and Reading Group

Organised by Adem Muzaffer Erol

The research and reading group Sephardic Perspectives continues earlier work of the BMBF funded project “Sephardic Perspectives” (2014-2023) at the ZJS. It ams at strengthening Sephardic Studies in German academia by bringing together early career scholars through discussion groups, workshops, and conferences. Topics to be discussed include Sephardic networks, cultures, and identites, in early modern, modern and contemporary European and non-European, colonial and post-colonial worlds. A focus will be on inter-religious and inner-Jewish entanglements and/or encounters, in particular entanglements, and/or encounters between Ashkenazim and Sephardim and/or Sephardim and Sephardim from early modern times to the present. This includes discussons about different concepts and uses of the term “Sephardi/Sephardic” in dfferent contexts and (academic) cultures. Last but not least, the group will also pay attention to topics of Converso history, religion, and thought, both in the Iberian Peninsula and in the Western Sephardic Diaspora. Regular meetings will be scheduled once a month via zoom.  Scholars interested in participating are encouraged to contact Adem Muzaffer Erol (erol.muzaffer@gmal.com).  

More information can be found here

The many faces of early modern Italian Jewry - International conference

organized by Dr Martin Borýsek and Dr Davide Liberatoscioli

University of Potsdam, Germany, 4th–7th October, 2021


As a result of its mixed nature, Italian Jewry eludes easy categorisation. The expression “Italian Jews” does not refer exclusively to indigenous Jews – descendants of the Jews who came to the Italian Peninsula during Roman Antiquity – but additionally denotes Ashkenazi Jews who arrived in the northern Italian regions during the Late Middle Ages, descendants of Sephardic immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula and later from the Ottoman Levant, and Greek-speaking Romaniote Jews originally from Venetian colonies in the former Byzantine territories. The mutual encounters between these various Jewish groups and their multi-faceted and sometimes contentious relations characterised every field of tradition, religious life and cultural production.

The aim of our conference is to investigate the character and impact of such encounters between Italian Jews of Italian, Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Romaniote origin, on cultural, religious, social and economic levels. The period at the centre of our attention is loosely bordered by the major waves of Sephardic immigration from the Iberian Peninsula (at the end of the 15th century) and the first acts of social and political emancipation of the Italian Jews implemented under Napoleonic rule (at the end of the 18th century).

The detailed program can be found here.

If you are interested, please contact Davide Liberatoscioli (davide.liberatoscioli@uni-potsdam.de) or Martin Borýsek (martin.borysek@uni-potsdam.de)

Veranstaltungsplakat Festival Jüdische Literaturen
Foto: ELES

Festival Jüdischer Literaturen: Verquere Verortungen


Vom 3. bis zum 5. Dezember 2019 fand im Literaturhaus Berlin ein spannendes Literaturfestival statt: Verquere Verortungen. Festival Jüdischer Literaturen. Veranstalter waren neben dem Literaturhaus Berlin das Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk für jüdische Begabtenförderung (ELES) und dessen Kunstprogramm DAGESH. KunstLAB ELES.

Rund 30 zeitgenössische jüdische Autor_innen nahmen teil, darunter Dmitrij Kapitelman, Nele Pollatschek, Eva Menasse, Channah Trzebiner, Dani Levy, Max Czollek, Robert Schindel, Noam Brusilovsky, Tomer Gardi, Esther Dischereit, Adriana Altaras und Dana von Suffrin. Kuratiert von Eva Lezzi und Jo Frank von ELES, zeigte das Festival die Vielfalt gegenwärtiger jüdischer Literaturproduktion unterschiedlichster Genres – von Prosa und Lyrik bis zu Hörspiel und Film.

Im Rahmen des Master-Seminars „Jüdische Literaturen der Gegenwart“ besuchten 16 Studierende des Instituts für Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft und des Instituts für Germanistik das Festival. Ihre Eindrücke und Reflexionen hielten die Studierenden in Blogbeiträgen fest. Weiterhin verfassten sie Rezensionen zu einzelnen während des Festivals präsentierten Werken. Eine Auswahl dieser Beiträge veröffentlichen wir hier. Wir danken allen Studierenden für ihre Texte!


Veranstaltungsplakat Festival Jüdische Literaturen
Foto: ELES

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Semestereröffnung am 6. November 2019

Semestereröffnung des Instituts für Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft sowie der School of Jewish Theology

Vortrag: Muslime und Juden unter deutscher Besatzung, 1939-1945
Dr. David Motadel (London School of Economics and Political Science)

Mittwoch, 06. November 2019 | 18 Uhr Am Neuen Palais 10 | Haus 9 | Raum 1.14
Im Anschluss laden die Fachschaftsräte Jüdische Studien und Religionswissenschaft zu einem kleinen Umtrunk/Empfang im Foyer Haus 9 ein.

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Sefardic Culture
Foto: N.N.
Plakatausschnitt, zur Vollansicht auf das Bild klicken

Sephardic History and Culture – International Graduate Conference

organized by Prof. Dr. Sina Rauschenbach, Dr. Susanne Härtel, Julian Holter, M.A. and Tanja Zakrzewski, M.A.

University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, building 8, room 0.56, 14469 Potsdam

September 24th, 3:30 p.m. – September 26th, 12:30 p.m.

Although Sephardic Studies is already established as a field at Israeli and U.S. universities, it is strongly underrepresented in European universities, where Jewish Studies scholars still tend to focus on Ashkenazic histories and cultures. However, Sephardic Studies scholars have often been forerunners in connecting Jewish and non-Jewish history, introducing new research questions and applying new methodological approaches from other disciplines to Jewish history and thought. The conference is the first of a series of conferences designed to connect European scholars involved in the study of Sephardic history and culture and to create new networks of scholarly discussion and cooperation.

The conference will start with an evening lecture by Dr. Jessica Roitman (Leiden) on September 24th 2019 and continue with 13 individual presentations and extensive discussions until September 26th at noon. The topics covered will range from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. Geographically, Iberia and the so-called Western and Eastern Sephardic Diasporas will come into view.The detailed program can be found here.

Guests are very welcome. If you are interested, please contact Tanja Zakrzewski (tzakrzew@uni-potsdam.de) by September 16th at the latest.

Sefardic Culture
Foto: N.N.
Plakatausschnitt, zur Vollansicht auf das Bild klicken

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