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Research and Teaching

The Law Faculty at the University of Potsdam is the “heavyweight” among Brandenburg’s Law Faculties, with over 2000 students and about 250 graduates each year. Jurists are educated here for work in the judicial system, in government ministries, state and municipal administrations, law firms and notary offices, professional associations and companies. Our high-level expertise in the fields of international law and human rights, international private and civil procedure law, and media law makes the University of Potsdam a central institution for the education of lawyers for European establishments and international organizations, whether in the public or private sector. 

The Faculty’s “core business” is the qualification of students and preparation for the First State Examination in Law. Our orientation towards research-based teaching means that the latest research flows directly into the design of our courses. This principle attains visible expression in the large number of textbooks, printed by top publishers and distributed nationwide throughout Germany, written by members of the Law Faculty of the University of Potsdam. Students therefore enjoy the advantage of hearing a lecture and then reading it again later, black on white.